It has been far too long since I have blogged! Thanks to a twin mom friend (Jen), I am getting back to it! I am going to do my best to post something each week. I will catch up the blog over the next few months, but for now, I am going to start with the summer! Our summer has been busy. We have welcomed a new nephew, visited Tweetsie and Lazy 5 Ranch, celebrated the boys 2nd birthday and took a trip to the beach. Here a few pictures of Jack, Lazy 5 and Tweetsie......
Jack Edward Cook
Jack makes 6 grandchildren for Maw Maw and Paw Paw
For several months we told the boys that Jack would need their passies. The boys (Landon,willingly and Maddox, not so much willingly, left their passies for Jack in his hospital bed) We are passie free!
Best Buds
Leave no twin behind!
Group shot, minus Ty!
Family trip to Tweetsie
Landon loved the train ride
Aww!! So sweet!!